Middle School Math


Times Tables Practice
Times Tables Practice FAST SPEED
Properties of Real Numbers
Comparing and Ordering Integers
Comparing Real Numbers
Evaluating Expressions
Comparing with Negative Numbers
Multiplying Negative and Positive Numbers
Adding and Subtracting Negative and Positive Numbers
Absolute Value
Simple Interest
Converting Measures
Is it Prime or Composite?
Multiples of Numbers
Factors of an Integer
Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
Least Common Multiple (LCM)
Intro to Exponents
Exponents- Cubes
Zero Exponents
Distribution Practice

Solving Equations and Inequalities

Notes: Equations and Inequalities
Writing Equations
Solving Equations by Adding and Subtracting
Word Problems- Expressions
Solving Equations by Multiplication and Division
Solving Equations
Intro to Linear Equations
Solving Multi-Step Equations
Solving Equations by Combining Like Terms
Solving Equations with Distribution
Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides
Solving Equations with Fractions (Fraction Busting)
Solving Equations with Decimals (Decimal Busting)
Solving Equations using reciprocals
Inequalities (Multiplication and Division)
Inequalities (Adding and Subtracting)
Solving Inequalities (Multi-step)
Solving Compound Inequalities
Absolute Value Equations
Absolute Value Inequalities

Fractions, Decimals and Percents

Writing Decimals
Converting Percents to Decimals
Equivalent Fractions
Reducing Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions
Dividing Mixed Numbers
Word Problems- Percents
Multiplying Decimals
Dividing Decimals
Percent Increase and Decrease Notes

Area and Perimeter

Area and Perimeter- Rectangles
Compound Figures- Area and Perimeter
Area and Perimeter- Triangles
Area and Circumference- Circle
Area of Trapezoids
Angles of Polygons
Area of Regular Polygons (Apothem)
Population Density

Volume and Surface Area

Volume Rectangular Prisms
Surface Area Rectangular Prisms
Volume and Surface Area of Cubes
Triangular Prisms- Surface Area
Diagonals of Rectangular Prisms and Cubes
Cylinders Volume and Surface Area
Pyramids Volume and Surface Area
Cones Volume and Surface Area
Spheres Volume and Surface Area
Similar Figures (Simularity ratio, Area ratio, Volume ratio)

Linear Equations

Notes: Linear Equations
Linear Equations and Slope
Graphing Linear Equations
Net Change
Slope Intercept Form
Ratio Tables
Point Slope Form
Parallel and Perpendicular Slope
Isolating Variables
Fahrenheit and Celsius Conversions


Notes: Intro to Geometry
Segment Addition Postulate
Complimentary and Supplementary Angles


Pythagorean Theorem
Triangle Angle Sum Theorem
Special Right Triangles 30-60-90 45-45-90
Triangle Inequality Theorem
Midpoint Formula
Distance Formula


Properties of Quadrilaterals


Transformations- Reflections
Transformations- Rotations

Word Problems

Word Problems- Linear Equations
Word Problems- Averages
Word Problems- Consecutive Integers
Word Problems- Distance, Rate and Time
Breakeven Word Problems
Word Problems- Ratios and Proportions

Data Analysis

Stem and Leaf Plot (Stemplot)
Mean, Median and Mode
Mean Absolute Deviation
5 Number Summary-Quartiles and IQR
Box and Whisker Plot
Interpreting Histograms


Classifying Angles by Size
Triangle Classification
Equilateral Triangles
Adjacent Angles
Scale Factor
Area of a Sector



In Summary…

Middle school math builds upon the foundation of elementary school math and introduces more advanced concepts and skills. It includes a range of mathematical topics, such as algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, and data analysis.

Algebra is the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of symbols and the rules for manipulating them. It is used to represent and solve equations, which are statements that describe the relationships between different quantities. In algebra, students learn to use variables to represent unknown quantities and to perform operations on variables, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Geometry is the study of shapes, sizes, and the relationships between them. In middle school, students learn about two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, and about the properties and characteristics of these shapes. They also learn about transformations, such as rotations, reflections, and translations, and about the use of coordinate systems to represent and describe geometric shapes.

Probability and statistics are the study of collecting, organizing, and interpreting data in order to draw conclusions and make decisions. In middle school, students learn about probability, including the concept of probability, data distributions, and measures of central tendency. They also learn about statistical tests, such as t-tests and ANOVA, and about the use of statistical software to analyze data.

Data analysis is the process of collecting, organizing, and interpreting data in order to draw conclusions and make decisions. In middle school, students learn how to collect and organize data, and how to use graphs, tables, and statistical measures to analyze data.

Middle school math also includes the study of patterns and functions, as well as problem-solving skills. Students learn to identify and describe patterns, and to use patterns to make predictions and solve problems. They also learn to use functions to model and describe relationships between quantities.

Throughout their middle school math education, students also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They learn to analyze problems, develop strategies to solve them, and communicate their solutions effectively.

Middle school math is an important foundation for higher levels of math and is essential for success in many fields. It helps students develop the skills they need to think critically, solve problems, and make informed decisions.

About Andymath.com

Andymath.com is a free math website with the mission of helping students, teachers and tutors find helpful notes, useful sample problems with answers including step by step solutions, and other related materials to supplement classroom learning. If you have any requests for additional content, please contact Andy at tutoring@andymath.com. He will promptly add the content.

Topics cover Elementary Math, Middle School, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2/Pre-calculus/Trig, Calculus and Probability/Statistics. In the future, I hope to add Physics and Linear Algebra content.

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